UEAS Architecture
This document is an introduction to the system architecture used in UEAS. The main components
such as the template system or the pipeline will be briefly introduced, as the best way to know
how the application works is to have a look directly at the source code.
1. Overview
2. The template system
3. The pipeline
4. The JMX/management interface
5. Logging
6. Database access
1. Overview
The UEAS architecture is mainly based on three main components:
- The template rendering system.
- The pipeline through which all the requests go.
- The database access layer.
The template rendering engine takes care of rendering the most appropriate template for the client,
depending on the platform being used. That is, if the platform used by the client is for example
HTML-capable, then the HTML templates will be rendered and sent back to the client.
The pipeline is internally used by the application and allows the programmer to build flexible
yet powerful constructions. It is based on the idea that every single HTTP requests is pushed
through the pipeline, where different filters exist. Every filter will perform an operation on the
request (such as detect and set the platform, logging, statistics, etc) and any of the objects
can stop the sequence at any time issuing an error value. When the request exits the pipeline, it means
that there are no more objects that want to perform an operation on the request and the result is
sent back to the client. This pipelining capability is pushed to
the maximum in several parts of the code, where it can be seen how powerful this mechanism is.
The database access layer takes care of accessing the database to load user and account information.
It was designed to be as small and simple as possible, but it was not optimized for speed or performance.
Should those be critical areas in the future of UEAS, then the code for the database layer
will be revised.
2. The template system
The template system is what makes UEAS so powerful and capable of virtually serving any kind of
device under the sun. It is possible to effortlessly add code for new devices without modifying
any line of the Java code. The template system is built on top of the
Velocity template engine, a
great tool provided by the Jakarta project. Therefore, some knowledge about Velocity code would
be necessary in order to be able to develop templates. The Velocity User Guide
is a good place to start.
Once an HTTP request comes to the application, it is pushed into the pipeline (see point number
2 for more information on the pipeline), where several operations will
be performed on that request. One of the first objects that we find in the pipeline is the
object. This object takes care of detecting the platform of the client by having
a look at the User-Agent and Accept HTTP headers. The outcome of this process
will later determine which set of templates will be used to render the content. The behaviour of the
object is determined by the terminal.properties
configuration file, and
the settings in that file can be ignored when specifying the platform=xxx
in the HTTP request like in this sample URL: http://myhost:8080/ueas/?platform=vxml.
Once we know which set of templates we have to use, the request continues its way through the
pipeline until it reaches the Client
object. That object basically performs
the operations on the user mailboxes, such as login, show the inbox, change folder, view a message
and so on. It is very important to know that it is in the Client
object where a
template is chosen. Templates will be chosen according to something that has been defined as
"events". The set of available events is defined in the file renderer.properties
and every event has been assigned a template file. From inside the Java code, a call to the
object needs a reference to an event, therefore we have to be really careful and
not delete any of the already defined events (but new events can be added anytime)
Having a look at an specific event of the renderer.properties
file, it looks something
like this:
event_index is the name of the event that will be used within the Java code every time
we want to show the main index page (the one where the user is asked to key in his or her user name
and password), while the .template property is used to define the template that will be used.
Knowing about the SetPlatform
object is good because now we must know that the
variable substitution will be carried out based on what that object
decided (or on what we forced him to do!) In our case, if we got a request for an HTTP client
then we will get the following result:
Once the name of the template file that will be used is known, we can relay the task of rendering
the template to the Velocity engine. It will put all the required object in the template context
(again, please refer to the Velocity user guide for more information about this) and will
make the template go through its rendering engine. After the rendering process, the result will be
put back into the pipeline until there are no more objects/filter, the request comes out and it is
sent back to the client as a result.
Velocity uses the velocity.properties
file to determine where the template files are
located. By default they are under:
- webapps/ueas/templates/html
- webapps/ueas/templates/wml
- webapps/ueas/templates/vxml
These paths can be set by adding or modifying the file.resource.loader.path
in the velocity.properties
file. More than one can be added and Velocity will search
in each one of them until a file with that name is found. If no files are found then it will
return an error to the application.
If there is a need to develop templates for a new platform that is not included in the default
distribution, then the necessary steps to add templates for that platform would be:
- Add the following settings to the terminal.properties
- Create the ueas/templates/new_platform
folder and place there all the templates,
following the standard naming policy: template_name.<platform_name>template. For example the
template file used for the main login screen would be called in our case index.new_platform.template
- Add a the following line to the velocity.properties
file.resource.loader.path = path_to_tomcat/webapps/ueas/templates/new_platform
Finally, the last and longest step would be to start coding the templates and test them.
3. The pipeline
not yet
4. The JMX/management interface
not yet
5. Logging
not yet
6. Database access
not yet